Building a Secure Digital Future for the Mekong

Welcome to the

Mekong Center for Data Protection

Strengthening Privacy for a Connected Mekong

At MCDP, we are committed to creating a safer digital environment for individuals, businesses, and governments in the Mekong region. As a leading organization dedicated to data protection and privacy, we conduct research, policy advocacy, training, and provide consultancy services to address the evolving challenges of the digital age.

suspension bridge under clear sky during nighttime
suspension bridge under clear sky during nighttime

Our Work

Education and Training

We offer comprehensive training programs to enhance understanding of data protection and privacy regulations.

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall
Policy Advocacy

Our advocacy efforts aim to influence policies and promote best practices in data protection across the region.

Research and Insights

We conduct research to provide actionable insights into emerging privacy challenges.

open book lot
open book lot
Community Engagement

We design innovative awareness raising programs about data privacy for citizens and organizations.

people sitting on floor front of table
people sitting on floor front of table

Get Involved

Join a growing network of professionals, organizations, and institutions committed to data protection. Members enjoy access to exclusive resources, events, and opportunities to shape regional privacy standards.

Collaborate with us to develop impactful programs, conduct research, or co-host events. Together, we can create a more secure digital future for the Mekong region

Support our mission to advance data privacy and protection in the region. Your contributions help us expand our reach and impact.